HCPC representation
Investigations into concerns raised at the HCPC can be long and complex. Not only will the HCPC take time to investigate, they may also wish to impose an interim order to restrict your practice whilst the investigation is ongoing. Interim restriction means that either a registrant such as a clinical psychologist or paramedic cannot practise at all in any role requiring professional registration, or that their practise is limited by several conditions imposed by an NMC panel. That panel is obliged to give the registrant an opportunity to oppose the imposition of an interim order, at an interim order hearing. In such cases, representation by qualified HCPC fitness to practise lawyers is essential to safeguard your right to practise until the case is concluded. We specialise in HCPC representation, having provided representation in our first case at the HCPC in 2015. What we learned in that hearing, and what has been proven through hundreds of cases since then, is that HCPC registrants who are represented generally do better than those who are not. We pride ourselves on our reputation as HCPC lawyers, so if you need help, please act swiftly and contact us now.