The NMC makes work for idle hands
I’m Marc Walker, Director and Qualified Fitness to Practise Lawyer. For those of you who are interested, here are some notes on my works in the regulatory and employment world.
What have I been up to..?
Have a browse and if you have any questions, you can call me, Whatsapp me, send me an email or use my contact form.
Something I've never come across
This week, I represented a social worker at an interim order application hearing. Social Work England were applying for a suspension order to stop my client working whilst they carried out their fitness to practice investigation.
We all need somebody
Social Worker who admitted plagiarism in both her work and her study. Both the study and the work was around the area of DOLS.
No case to answer
This was a very interesting case, because the NMC got an interim conditions of practice order against the nurse, and this made it very difficult for her to find work as a nurse and thus remedy her failings.
Something I've never come across
I represented a social worker at an interim order application hearing.
Late night calls?
Social Worker was accused of inappropriate accessing of the data of family and friends. This is a recurring theme recently - please guys, do not do it,
Back to (social) work
This client was another who burst into tears on hearing the good news. It must be so stressful bearing the burden of an investigation and disciplinary proceedings by your regulator.
The importance of being represented.
It was good to hear it from the horse's mouth, bearing in mind this legal assessor is of many years' seniority.