The NMC makes work for idle hands
I’m Marc Walker, Director and Qualified Fitness to Practise Lawyer. For those of you who are interested, here are some notes on my works in the regulatory and employment world.
What have I been up to..?
Have a browse and if you have any questions, you can call me, Whatsapp me, send me an email or use my contact form.
What strike off means to you…
When you get struck off, this means you cannot work as a nurse or midwife, unless you succeed in an appeal or review, for at least 5 years. You’ll have to find some other way of paying your bills.
Get engaged, quickly.
They came to me at the earliest possible stage, and I was able to advise them on the correct steps to take, with a view to defending themselves throughout the NMC investigation.
Back to (social) work
This client was another who burst into tears on hearing the good news. It must be so stressful bearing the burden of an investigation and disciplinary proceedings by your regulator.
Get arrested and it's not just the police you have to face...
Being a nurse is a "notifiable profession", which means essentially that the police will tell the NMC that you have been arrested and what happens with your case. This may cause the NMC to initiate a fitness to practice process, depending on the offence for which you've been detained.
Oh, I forgot..
We did better than that and got a finding of fitness to practice not impaired.
The importance of being represented.
It was good to hear it from the horse's mouth, bearing in mind this legal assessor is of many years' seniority.
Trips to London - book early!
Although I'm happy to pick up cases the day before a hearing if necessary, some cases really require registrants to engage with the proceedings and with me a little earlier.
Interim orders
Needless to say, she was very relieved and she didn't even have to attend the hearing!
Quick update
I do get a little emotional when I see a nurse's reaction like that. It really means so much to them. It's well worth the time and effort