The NMC makes work for idle hands
I’m Marc Walker, Director and Qualified Fitness to Practise Lawyer. For those of you who are interested, here are some notes on my works in the regulatory and employment world.
What have I been up to..?
Have a browse and if you have any questions, you can call me, Whatsapp me, send me an email or use my contact form.
Different focus
5 day hearing at the HPCPC. I was marshalling arguments for what was a fairly rare point, an application to have a fitness to practice hearing, where the allegations were based on conduct, moved to be heard instead by the Health Committee. Moving the hearing would mean that the allegations would be heard in a much softer setting, with no chance of strike off in the worst case.
'Good' working relationships
Sexual relationships with colleagues do occur often; it is to be expected, as those are the people with whom we spend a vast amount of our time. Many employers have a specific policy dealing with such relationships, to ensure that there is no impropriety or abuse of position.
The season of goodwill?
Yesterday, at the HCPC, my client a former ODP made his plea to be restored to the register, after 8 years away. He had been struck off for defrauding the NHS and agencies of over £20,000 and subsequently being convicted and sentenced to 15 months' imprisonment.
Agree to disagree
We did attend the second hearing and after hearing my submissions and evidence from my client, the panel agreed that a 12 month suspension order was appropriate and that my client should not be struck off.
Beginner's Luck?
The nurse concerned has been subject to a conditions of practice order since November 2017, following a fitness to practice referral by her then employer.
The sweet taste of victory
I was able to negotiate disposal of their case by consent, which meant my client did not have to attend the proposed 3 day hearing, and instead their admitted misconduct was dealt with by way of a one year caution order.
Two excellent results
Just under two weeks ago, I was at the NMC defending a nurse given a police caution for theft of opiates from their employer and for possession of Class A drugs.
Light at The End of The Tunnel
When the order was imposed, they had attended unrepresented. At the beginning of this week, they decided they needed some help and contacted me.
(Un) happy New Year
The panel gave me quite a grilling in the absence of my client (often it is better that they do not attend for certain hearings, and send me instead).
I thought I was out...
This afternoon, as the panel deliberated on the allegations of dishonesty and insecure sending of confidential data,
The importance of being represented.
It was good to hear it from the horse's mouth, bearing in mind this legal assessor is of many years' seniority.