The NMC makes work for idle hands
Iām Marc Walker, Director and Qualified Fitness to Practise Lawyer. For those of you who are interested, here are some notes on my works in the regulatory and employment world.
What have I been up to..?
Have a browse and if you have any questions, you can call me, Whatsapp me, send me an email or use my contact form.
Take care of your registration
This afternoon the panel told us that the restraint used by my client was reasonable and proportionate, that the registration issue was a genuine error and that my client's appeal succeeded.
Another nurse restored.
When you are struck off, you have to wait 5 years until you can apply to be restored to the register. There is the possibility of appealing the strike off order, but it is a high hurdle to get over in order to be successful.
Late night calls?
Social Worker was accused of inappropriate accessing of the data of family and friends. This is a recurring theme recently - please guys, do not do it,
Two excellent results
Just under two weeks ago, I was at the NMC defending a nurse given a police caution for theft of opiates from their employer and for possession of Class A drugs.
Patient Death
I have just returned from the NMC, where after a 4 day hearing into allegations of neglect and inadequate contact.
Don't give up hope
It's tempting to give in to anger and frustration, but these negative emotions do not assist in achieving what you want, which is unrestricted practice. Instead put that energy into doing more to resolve your situation
Light at The End of The Tunnel
When the order was imposed, they had attended unrepresented. At the beginning of this week, they decided they needed some help and contacted me.
Many hands make light work
To make sure that I stay on top of things, I have just hired a PA, Annie
To Scotland and back
I got to visit the Edinburgh location for the first time. What a lovely city! Unfortunately, there was little time for sight-seeing,
I feel your pain
It was a disappointing day at the NMC today for my client in their registration appeal. Having been accused of behaving criminally towards patients in their care.
Busy, busy me.
At the moment, I have 19 active cases in front of the NMC and HCPC, with another 2 or 3 in the process of signing up. This is about my usual caseload, give or take 5 cases.
United you should stand - but don't.
In order to stand a fair chance, you need someone on whose list of priorities you are first and foremost. If it is not your union's list, then find someone else who will fight for you.
(Un) happy New Year
The panel gave me quite a grilling in the absence of my client (often it is better that they do not attend for certain hearings, and send me instead).
Early engagement (again!)
I called him was similar to that National Lottery representatives get when they call up jackpot winners - astounded, emotional and overjoyed.
I thought I was out...
This afternoon, as the panel deliberated on the allegations of dishonesty and insecure sending of confidential data,
Referrals take time
I often get asked how long it takes for a referral to be completed. There are a number of stages in the referral process, and the 'halfway' stage is when the Case Examiners consider whether there is a case to answer
Too hasty.
This was a client who had contacted me immediately upon referral Following early written representations by me.
Results and more results.
A referral for possession of Class A drugs was successfully defended in both the Crown Court (I have colleagues who specialise in criminal court representation) and at the NMC, where the Case Examiners decided that there was no case to answer.